Ballykissangel is a BBC television drama set in Ireland, produced in-house by BBC Northern Ireland. The original story revolved around a young English Roman Catholic priest as he became part of a rural community. It ran for six series, which were first broadcast on BBC One in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2001.
Release Date: February 11, 1996
Last Aired: April 15, 2001
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August 18, 2019
August 23, 1998
October 03, 1960
June 08, 2005
October 01, 1972
January 06, 2006
September 07, 1975
September 20, 1978
September 15, 2003
August 06, 2006
November 10, 1994
February 15, 2019
September 26, 2019
February 07, 2020
May 25, 2000
February 20, 1984
October 07, 2022
February 27, 2014
January 16, 1981
November 11, 1976