The Octonauts is a British children's television series, produced by Silvergate Media for the BBC channel Cbeebies. The series is animated in Ireland by Brown Bag Films but uses British voice actors. The TV series is based on American-Canadian children's books written by Vicki Wong and Michael C. Murphy of Meomi Design Inc. The Octonauts follows an underwater exploring crew made up of stylized anthropomorphic animals, a team of eight adventurers who live in an undersea base, the Octopod, from where they go on undersea adventures with the help of a fleet of aquatic vehicles. The subject matter is reminiscent of Star Trek and Thunderbirds blended with Jacques Cousteau. Although it is science fiction as regards its technology, the exotic creatures and locations that the crew encounter are real marine animals in their natural habitats.
Release Date: October 04, 2010
Last Aired: March 31, 2023
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September 07, 1974
December 09, 1995
May 10, 2023
September 13, 2010
October 03, 2016
January 09, 2021
September 03, 2001
September 06, 1988
January 05, 2005
April 01, 2024
September 05, 2011
June 10, 2022
April 04, 1995
April 12, 2004
September 14, 1990
May 31, 2020
August 23, 2003
April 18, 2000
September 05, 1983
September 18, 1999