Globe Trekker is an adventure tourism television series produced by Pilot Productions. The British series was inspired by the Lonely Planet travelbooks and began airing in 1994. Globe Trekker is broadcast in over 40 countries across six continents. Each episode features a host, called a traveller, who travels with a camera crew to a country—often, a relatively exotic locale—and experiences the sights, sounds, and culture that the location has to offer. Special episodes feature in-depth city, beach, dive, shopping, history, festival, and food guides. The show often goes far beyond popular tourist destinations in order to give viewers a more authentic look at local culture. Presenters usually participate in different aspects of regional life, such as attending a traditional wedding or visiting a mining community. They address the viewer directly, acting as tourists-turned-tour guides, but are also filmed interacting with locals and discovering interesting locations in unrehearsed sequences. Globe Trekker also sometimes includes brief interviews with backpackers who share tips on independent travel in that particular country.
Release Date: December 31, 1994
Last Aired: April 22, 2012
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September 11, 2020
October 11, 1997
May 14, 1992
October 18, 2004
January 06, 2012
July 29, 2018
January 09, 2011
February 14, 2019
November 21, 2013
February 05, 2019
February 01, 2019
January 08, 2021
February 24, 2017
March 18, 2024
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April 04, 2016
January 10, 2018
January 07, 2019