Getter Robo G is a super robot anime series created by Go Nagai and Ken Ishikawa and produced by Toei Animation. This direct sequel to Getter Robo was broadcast on Fuji TV from May 15, 1975 to March 25, 1976, with a total of 39 episodes. People familiar with Mattel's popular Shogun Warriors toy collection will remember all three of Getter Robo G's robot formations in that toy line: Getter Dragon, Getter Liger and Getter Poseidon. As a result of the popularity of these toys in the US, Jim Terry included this series in his Force Five anime lineup under the title of Starvengers. Some Starvengers episodes were redubbed and released by FB Productions under the Robo Formers title. The original Getter Robo series, however, has yet to appear in the US. In the UK, Starvengers episodes were released on video by Krypton Force under the name Formators.
Release Date: May 15, 1975
Last Aired: March 25, 1976
August 03, 2012
May 06, 2002
May 25, 1995
March 07, 1986
January 04, 2009
June 30, 2022
April 11, 2022
July 15, 2013
October 02, 1999
December 17, 1992
August 26, 1994
September 27, 1996
April 21, 1991
January 06, 2022
July 12, 2023
March 06, 1996
March 30, 2002
April 13, 1986
June 29, 2023
July 08, 2023