Beyond Westworld was a short-lived 1980 television series that carried on the stories of the two feature films, Westworld and Futureworld. It featured Jim McMullan as Security Chief John Moore of the Delos Corporation. The story revolved around John Moore having to stop the evil scientist, Quaid, as he planned to use the robots in Delos to try to take over the world. Despite being nominated for two Emmys, only five episodes were produced, and only three of them were aired before cancellation.
Release Date: March 05, 1980
Last Aired: April 02, 1980
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September 07, 1985
August 10, 2001
April 01, 1973
March 15, 2019
November 11, 2022
August 07, 2004
October 02, 1999
September 10, 1984
October 01, 2002
February 25, 2006
May 17, 2020
September 03, 2020
September 01, 2018
October 29, 2014
December 28, 2021
April 18, 1997
October 10, 2013
July 02, 2024
February 02, 1991
September 10, 1994