I Just Want My Pants Back is an American comedy-drama that premiered with a special sneak peek on August 28, 2011 on MTV, with the series airing the new episodes beginning on February 2, 2012. The series is based on David J. Rosen's 2007 novel of the same name. On May 16, 2012, MTV cancelled the series.
Release Date: August 28, 2011
Last Aired: April 05, 2012
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September 20, 2002
March 14, 2001
March 10, 1998
June 06, 1998
October 21, 1996
March 18, 1996
February 26, 1979
October 14, 2001
January 23, 2002
October 15, 1951
June 17, 2007
September 29, 1998
December 09, 2021
October 15, 1960
July 13, 2018
September 08, 2005
January 04, 2006
September 25, 1987
August 03, 1999
March 03, 2006