Valiente is a Philippine drama television series, aired and broadcast on TV5. It is the remake of the 5-year original epic drama of the same name that tells the story of love, hatred, vengeance and friendship. It returns with a cast led by JC de Vera, Oyo Boy Sotto, Niña Jose, Nadine Samonte, Jaclyn Jose and Michael de Mesa. It is written by Phil M. Noble from the original story of highly acclaimed writer Gina Marissa Tagasa and is directed by multi-awarded film and television director Joel Lamangan. It is produced by Archangel Productions and TAPE Inc. and aired on February 13, 2012, after Wiltime Bigtime. It recounts the epic tale of two families whose lives are intertwined by their desire to claim what they believe is rightfully theirs. Gardo and Theo from the two conflicting families of Valiente and Braganza; are two men who used to be best of friends but came to be mortal enemies brought by the ambitious Donya Trining and how will she use her wealth and power in manipulating the life of Gardo Valiente, the real Braganza.
Release Date: February 13, 2012
Last Aired: June 29, 2012
September 11, 1974
September 27, 1997
July 12, 2005
April 27, 1997
January 13, 2004
January 09, 2000
September 11, 2006
April 15, 2023
June 07, 2002
April 25, 2013
March 28, 2001
October 10, 2013
September 14, 2003
May 09, 2005
March 08, 2023
April 07, 1991
April 19, 2024
January 15, 2021
June 17, 2019
March 09, 2023