This is the story of a young mother, Kitayama Nazuna, and her son Taiyo from Ohma, a small town at the tip of a peninsula in Aomori. Taiyo's father, Murai Kento had aspirations to be a professional boxer but due to a detached retina he was forced to abandon his dream. Leaving Nazuna behind, he left for America, with another woman, to get treatment for his eye-problem, unaware that Nazuna was pregnant. As his life is boxing he quickly returns to the ring after the operation turns out to be successful and once again he dreams of becoming a professional boxer. However, success eludes him and he returns home to Japan. Nazuna meanwhile has given birth to her son and moved to Tokyo to search for Kento. By chance she finds Kento. When discovers he has become a father, he tries to make up for lost time. The show picks up their story as Nazuna, Taiyo and Kento begin family life together. Of course things are not as simple as they appear.
Release Date: April 03, 2000
Last Aired: September 30, 2000
October 01, 2007
April 07, 1997
September 28, 2015
October 01, 2018
March 31, 2008
March 04, 2006
October 03, 2005
March 28, 2005
October 04, 2016
April 11, 2022
March 30, 2015
March 29, 2004
April 01, 2013
March 31, 2003
September 29, 2014
May 17, 2021
September 27, 2004
April 01, 2019
April 04, 1983
October 02, 2006