Trust Us with Your Life is an American improvisational comedy television series, based on the BBC Two program Fast and Loose. It premiered on ABC on July 10, 2012. It is hosted by Fred Willard and stars comedians Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, and Jonathan Mangum, with rotating performers that include Greg Proops, Craig Cackowski, Brad Sherwood, Nicole Parker, and Josie Lawrence. Each week they act out scenes in the lives of guest celebrities. Serena Williams, Ricky Gervais, Jerry Springer, Florence Henderson, Mark Cuban, Jack and Kelly Osbourne, David Hasselhoff and Jane Seymour have so far appeared. At least eight episodes have been filmed thus far in London, England. The show is currently on hiatus due to ratings competition with larger events, such as the 2012 Olympic Games. Previously, reports claimed that the show was not cancelled. However, 12 months on, no further episodes had been aired.
Release Date: July 10, 2012
Last Aired: August 07, 2012
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December 25, 1969
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