Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E.73 -STARGAZER- is a side story to the anime TV series, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. As of July 2006, it is being streamed on Bandai Channel as an original net animation. The show is directed by Susumu Nishizawa and written by Shigeru Morita, both staff members of Gundam SEED Destiny. The series consists of three episodes, each running at 15-minutes long. The web broadcast began in July 2006, with a new episode showing monthly. A DVD containing all three episodes as well as the two 5-minute long Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray animated shorts was released on November 24, 2006. This DVD also contained a different ending for Stage 3 in which several scenes after the Phantom Pain attack are shown. A manga adaptation of the series has been released in 2007. Authored by Naoki Moriya, it features an epilogue reveals the previously uncertain fate of Selene and Sven as they are shown to be alive and mostly unharmed from their ordeal. Sven joins the DSSD.
Release Date: July 14, 2006
Last Aired: September 29, 2006
April 09, 2021
October 15, 2021
April 15, 2021
July 15, 2021
October 04, 2021
April 09, 1977
January 06, 2021
October 04, 2022
April 13, 2018
October 18, 2018
October 08, 2023
January 09, 2019
October 11, 2014
January 04, 2019
January 10, 2003
April 06, 2001
April 02, 1997
April 05, 2006
May 20, 2004
July 06, 1998