Who Wants to Be a Superhero? is a UK children's reality show hosted by Sam Nixon, Mark Rhodes and Stan Lee, based on the NBC Universal/Sci Fi Channel series of the same name. The show is a co-production between CBBC and NBC. Children aged 9 – 13 create and become their very own, unique, never before seen superhero characters for the series, taking part in missions and challenges and living away from home in ‘The Superhero Lair’ in London. Contestants responded to trails on the CBBC Channel and application forms on the CBBC website. It is unknown whether a second season will be made.
Release Date: January 03, 2009
Last Aired: September 06, 2007
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July 27, 2006
October 03, 1994
September 07, 1996
September 08, 1979
February 08, 2003
January 12, 1966
August 28, 1993
October 09, 1988
February 24, 1958
February 07, 1981
February 17, 2002
September 24, 1994
September 22, 2007
March 01, 2021
November 03, 2023
February 02, 2021
April 08, 2015
September 02, 2017
February 05, 2018
August 08, 2019