Akira Akebono, a young boy who is competing in a robot tournament where many of the robots are capable of transforming into animal forms. Akira wants to win the ultimate prize, the Titan Belt, with the help of his group of robots, all of which are capable of forming into the robot Daigunder. Daigunder is the creation of Akira's father, Professor Hajime Akebono. Together with a girl named Haruka, they compete under the name of Team Akira. However, Team Akira faces opposition from not only their competition, but a robot named Ginzan who is under the control of the evil Professor Maelstrom. Created by Aeon and Takara and animated by Animation Studio Brain's Base, the series aired in TV Tokyo from April 2002 to December 2002.
Release Date: April 05, 2002
Last Aired: December 27, 2002
October 07, 2018
February 07, 1981
February 17, 2002
April 22, 1994
April 01, 1973
March 30, 2002
March 25, 1993
October 10, 2013
April 01, 2007
January 26, 2019
April 04, 1995
January 06, 2001
January 10, 2003
February 25, 2006
January 03, 1986
August 28, 1993
February 17, 1994
October 21, 1983
February 02, 1991
February 13, 2000