Ultraman Gaia is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show and is the 13th show in the Ultra Series. Created by Chiaki J. Konaka and produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Mainichi Broadcasting System, Ultraman Gaia was aired on JNN TV stations from September 5, 1998 until August 28, 1999, with a total of 51 episodes.
Release Date: September 05, 1998
Last Aired: August 28, 1999
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October 03, 1994
September 07, 1996
February 08, 2003
January 12, 1966
August 28, 1993
October 09, 1988
February 24, 1958
February 07, 1981
September 29, 1985
February 17, 2002
September 24, 1994
September 16, 1993
September 22, 2007
August 10, 2013
November 11, 2022
March 01, 2021
November 03, 2023
February 02, 2021
April 02, 1979
April 08, 2015