Absolutely is a popular UK television comedy sketch show shown on Channel 4 between 1989 and 1993. The cast and crew were mainly Scottish; the principal writers and performers were Moray Hunter, Jack Docherty, Peter Baikie, Gordon Kennedy, Morwenna Banks and John Sparkes. It was directed by Phil Chilvers, Alan Nixon, Alistair Clark, and Graham C Williams. The show's producers were Alan Nixon, and David Tyler
Release Date: May 23, 1989
Last Aired: February 26, 1993
February 27, 2023
September 27, 1987
August 30, 2001
October 18, 2013
January 21, 1994
September 14, 2006
April 10, 1971
January 24, 1996
April 05, 2007
February 16, 2004
January 16, 2013
March 05, 2001
August 06, 2020
October 10, 2002
July 06, 2005
July 04, 1987
September 27, 1994
September 21, 1976
April 26, 2000
February 27, 2011