Family Affair is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 12, 1966 to September 9, 1971. The series explored the trials of well-to-do civil engineer and bachelor Bill Davis as he attempted to raise his brother's orphaned children in his luxury New York City apartment. Davis' traditional English gentleman's gentleman, Mr. Giles French, also had adjustments to make as he became saddled with the responsibility of caring for 15-year-old Cissy and the 6-year-old twins, Jody and Buffy. The show ran for 138 episodes. Family Affair was created and produced by Don Fedderson, also known for My Three Sons and The Millionaire.
Release Date: September 12, 1966
Last Aired: March 04, 1971
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September 19, 1975
September 07, 1984
September 11, 1993
November 10, 1978
September 12, 1978
September 11, 2005
March 23, 2003
December 19, 1994
October 11, 2005
March 26, 1997
September 05, 1974
March 15, 2006
January 11, 1995
November 13, 1995
August 28, 1996
September 20, 2005
January 14, 2001
March 17, 1998
November 03, 1993
September 17, 1996