Strange World is an American television program about military investigations into criminal abuses of science and technology. ABC commissioned 13 episodes, of which three aired in March 1999, before the network cancelled the program. The remaining ten episodes produced subsequently premiered on the Sci-Fi Channel in Spring 2002. The series was created by Howard Gordon and Tim Kring. In a webchat during the 2002 run on Sci Fi, Gordon stated that, since the producers felt ABC was not going to support the show, the producers had the opportunity to write a conclusion to the story.
Release Date: March 08, 1999
Last Aired: May 10, 2002
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July 15, 2004
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March 07, 2006
September 29, 1985
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February 06, 2019
September 23, 1983
January 02, 1999
November 10, 2006
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October 27, 2000
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June 21, 2002
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