Colditz is a British television series co-produced by the BBC and Universal Studios and screened between 1972 and 1974. The series deals with Allied prisoners of war imprisoned at the supposedly escape-proof Colditz Castle when designated Oflag IV-C during World War II, and their many attempts to escape captivity, as well as the relationships formed between the various nationalities and their German captors.
Release Date: October 19, 1972
Last Aired: April 01, 1974
September 12, 1980
December 01, 2020
April 25, 1995
January 08, 2024
April 27, 2020
May 07, 2013
May 01, 2020
November 15, 1976
August 30, 2009
October 01, 1978
May 20, 1995
February 19, 1978
January 05, 2009
August 19, 1968
April 12, 1998
September 02, 1990
January 03, 1974
July 11, 2004
October 05, 1962
January 01, 1995