Sunday Night, later named Michelob Presents Night Music, is a late-night television show which aired for two seasons between 1988 and 1990 as a showcase for jazz and eclectic musical artists. It was hosted by Jools Holland and David Sanborn, and featured Marcus Miller as musical director. Guests included acts such as Sonny Rollins, Shinehead, Sister Carol, Sonic Youth, Joe Sample, Slim Gaillard, Elliott Sharp, Pere Ubu, Pharoah Sanders, and many others. In addition, vintage clips of jazz legends like Thelonious Monk, Dave Brubeck, and Billie Holiday were also featured. The show also featured a house band of Omar Hakim, Marcus Miller, Philippe Saisse, David Sanborn, Hiram Bullock, and Jools Holland. The show often allowed its guests ample time to explain the origins of their sound, meaning of songs, etc. It also provided a national audience for lesser known acts. Hal Willner was the music coordinator, responsible for the interesting musical mix-and-matching that took place on the show.
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March 24, 2000
April 03, 2007
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August 29, 1998
August 19, 1972
April 11, 1986
September 14, 1998
September 17, 2005
October 19, 2002
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January 01, 2007
July 29, 1983
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August 05, 1957
September 13, 1980
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July 11, 1999
July 23, 2008
June 16, 2006