Packages from Planet X is a US/Canadian animated television series produced by American Greetings and DHX Media that first premiered on Disney XD on July 13, 2013. A charismatic 15-year-old, Dan Zembrosky, from the bizarre town of Iron Bay suddenly receives strange, cryptic packages from an evil alien planet. The packages arrive in various forms and Dan and his two best friends use them to their own advantage, whether it be to make the soccer team, pass a test to avoid summer school or get out of trouble, all while keeping the mysterious contraptions out of the hands of Copernicus, an evil alien who is plotting to take over the world.
Release Date: July 13, 2013
Last Aired: February 24, 2014
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October 05, 2002
March 10, 1997
May 11, 2005
January 12, 2007
September 12, 2004
November 03, 2001
May 02, 2013
August 07, 2005
August 03, 1999
January 16, 1989
September 07, 2002
August 25, 1994
September 10, 1995
October 03, 1994
July 15, 2004
April 03, 2004
September 27, 1982
May 14, 1984
August 06, 2020
March 17, 2008