Takeshi's Castle was a Japanese game show that aired between 1986 and 1990 on the Tokyo Broadcasting System. It featured the Japanese actor Takeshi Kitano as a count who owns a castle and sets up difficult challenges for players to get to him. Contestants throw themselves into daunting physical challenges as they attempt to storm Takeshi's Castle and win the grand prize of one million yen. The show has become a cult television hit around the world. A special live "revival" was broadcast on April 2, 2005, for TBS's 50th anniversary celebrations.
Release Date: November 01, 2002
Last Aired: June 01, 2005
December 07, 1987
March 05, 2001
January 31, 2005
January 17, 2014
September 11, 2003
April 02, 1999
April 09, 2022
Invalid Date
April 13, 2003
September 23, 1988
September 20, 1999
October 15, 2012
September 13, 2021
February 02, 1950
February 26, 2024
January 05, 1970
September 08, 1982
August 08, 2003
December 27, 1993
October 17, 1966