This classic Australian mini series was originally broadcast in 1989 as three 90 minute episodes and tells the story of a young woman who goes in search of the father she has never known. Her search takes her from Australia to England and then on to Bangkok. There she meets up with a charming young man, Arkie Regan, who plants drugs in her luggage and leaves her to her fate when the authorities find them during a routine search at the airport. Following her imprisonment in the notorious Bangkok Hilton prison she awaits the decision of the authorities on whether she should face the death penalty.
Release Date: November 05, 1989
Last Aired: November 07, 1989
May 19, 2023
November 15, 2018
February 17, 1971
September 12, 1980
November 27, 2018
October 25, 2020
March 14, 2010
December 04, 1976
May 07, 1978
January 10, 1981
November 12, 1978
February 18, 2008
June 14, 2019
November 19, 2020
November 17, 2020
July 31, 2005
April 08, 2002
February 07, 2008
November 06, 2001
November 24, 2022