The series chronicles the personal life (and the wild lifestyle) of Rebecca Wright, a tough-as-nails judge serving on the Los Angeles County Circuit Court, whose time off the bench is spent partying and displaying a reckless behavior. Her reputation is about to be tamed—and judged—by Robby Shoemaker, a eight-year-old boy whose parents Rebecca put behind bars. He might be the one that can turn Rebecca's life around.
Release Date: October 02, 2014
Last Aired: January 22, 2015
September 19, 1975
September 07, 1984
September 11, 1993
November 10, 1978
September 12, 1978
September 11, 2005
March 23, 2003
October 11, 2005
March 26, 1997
September 05, 1974
March 15, 2006
January 11, 1995
November 13, 1995
August 28, 1996
September 20, 2005
January 14, 2001
March 17, 1998
November 03, 1993
September 17, 1996
November 12, 2024