3 South is an American animated series that aired on MTV. The show focused on two lifelong friends, Sanford and Del, and their adventures at the fictional Barder College. With the exception of their roommate Joe, nearly everyone at Barder is stupid and inept. Nonetheless, the idiotic, irresponsible, and thoughtless Sanford and Del are portrayed as the series' heroes, whereas the responsible, intelligent Joe is the de facto villain in most episodes. The series was created by Family Guy veteran writers Mark Hentemann and Steve Callaghan, based on a short film they had created years earlier. It is to-date the only animated series produced for MTV by Warner Bros. Animation. The show's theme song is The Flaming Lips' song "Fight Test" from the album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.
Release Date: November 07, 2002
Last Aired: January 16, 2003
March 05, 2003
September 01, 1997
April 22, 2001
April 19, 2000
April 04, 2023
January 11, 2009
July 05, 2016
April 10, 2008
January 03, 2013
September 26, 1999
September 23, 1995
April 22, 2008
July 09, 2007
September 22, 1994
September 07, 1994
March 29, 2006
March 29, 2023
February 21, 2023
October 16, 2012
February 21, 2019