Humanity has successfully colonized all the planets in the Solar System, with intentions to continue into new frontiers. Individuals live stable lives in these colonies, including young high school students living in 4th Tokyo on Mars. Two of these students are Iris Shirazaki and Mizuki Sera. Iris is finishing her last year of high school while studying to be a test pilot while her friend Mizuki also works as a mechanic on the aircraft. Her own brother, Kaito, oversees Mizuki and Iris as their homeroom teacher and program director.
Release Date: July 04, 2015
Last Aired: September 26, 2015
July 27, 2024
July 04, 2003
July 15, 2004
March 26, 1997
November 02, 2002
January 04, 2001
November 29, 1991
February 23, 1994
December 30, 2020
April 15, 1989
July 02, 2013
April 04, 2013
May 21, 1996
August 08, 1979
April 22, 1994
October 02, 2000
September 09, 1995
August 26, 2000
March 09, 2006
November 03, 2001