Shaft is a series of TV movies that aired along with Hawkins during 1973-74 television season on The New CBS Tuesday Night Movies. The series was based on three films beginning with Shaft, and starring Richard Roundtree as private detective John Shaft. Because it was aired on over-the-air television, CBS felt that the character needed to be toned down. Now instead of working against the police, he worked with them. The series rotated with Hawkins starring James Stewart as a country lawyer who investigates his cases, similarly to his earlier film Anatomy of a Murder. Contemporary analysts suggested that since the two shows appealed to vastly different audience bases, alternating them only served to confuse fans of both series, giving neither one the time to build up a large viewership.
Release Date: October 09, 1973
Last Aired: February 19, 1974
September 13, 1974
September 20, 1985
May 29, 1993
July 12, 2002
September 22, 2004
November 24, 1981
June 10, 2013
June 21, 2020
June 28, 2007
September 18, 1968
January 05, 1969
October 01, 1982
December 11, 1980
January 08, 1989
April 24, 1984
September 12, 1990
January 20, 1984
January 12, 2020
September 13, 1987
September 08, 2010