Headbangers Ball (also referred to as simply The Ball) was a music television program consisting of heavy metal music videos airing on MTV, MTV2 (its sister channel), MTV Australia, MTV Rocks (formerly known as MTV2 Europe), MTV Adria (the MTV subsidiary covering the former Yugoslavia), MTV Brand New, MTV Portugal, MTV Finland, MTV Arabia, MTV Norway, MTV Sweden, MTV Denmark, MTV Greece, MTV Türkiye, MTV Israel, MTV Hungary and MTV Japan. The show began on MTV on April 18, 1987,[1] playing heavy metal and hard rock music videos late at night, from both well-known and more obscure artists. The show offered (and became famous because of) a stark contrast to Top 40 music videos shown during the day. However, with the mainstream rise of alternative rock, grunge, pop punk and rap music in the 1990s, the relevance of Headbangers Ball came into question, and the show was ultimately canceled in 1995. Over eight years later, as new genres of heavy metal were gaining a commercial foothold and fan interest became unavoidable, the program was reintroduced on MTV2. It has remained in varying degrees on the network's website, but is no longer shown on television. Many of the videos that aired on the first incarnation of the series would find a home on the similarly themed Metal Mayhem on sister channel MTV Classic.
Release Date: April 18, 1987
Last Aired: November 08, 2003
September 13, 1974
March 11, 1980
April 02, 1997
September 14, 1998
October 24, 2019
March 04, 1979
January 05, 2001
January 17, 1992
September 26, 2005
November 14, 2001
September 21, 1998
September 23, 1968
June 13, 2005
September 08, 2004
September 26, 2003
September 18, 2002
October 03, 1976
June 30, 2022
September 08, 1978
May 16, 2023