The action series begins when the main character, a young police inspector Aleksandar Jakovljevic, despite its problematic behavior, receives an important case - killed the daughter of a prominent man unit whose company is building the largest residential - commercial complex in the region. The investigation goes in that direction, or even torn Aleksandar their problems, nothing leaves the case and digging into every aspect of life of the murdered girl, unaware of the danger which is exposed because someone cares about is to cover up the killing as quickly as possible. Aleksandar tortured and personal pain of the never solved the murder of his father Mileta also a police inspector when he discovers that the murder may be linked both to him solve the murder of a young girl becomes a mission. he don't know who to trust along the way, whether your boss and best friend of his dead father, police chief Marjanovic, Mirko whether colleagues or two women in his life, Mary - the public prosecutor with whom he related, while in his heart does not pick up a young scientist Jelena. While all the risks and desperately searching for the truth, they will not know how it can be really painful.
Release Date: October 23, 2016
Last Aired: March 26, 2023
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