Laredo is an American Western television series that aired on NBC from September 16, 1965, to April 7, 1967. Laredo stars Neville Brand, William Smith, Peter Brown, and Philip Carey as Texas Rangers. It is set on the Mexican border about Laredo, Texas. The program was produced by Universal Television. The pilot episode of Laredo aired on NBC's The Virginian under the title, "We've Lost a Train". It was released theatrically in 1969 under the title Backtrack. Three episodes from the first season of the series were edited into the 1968 feature film Three Guns for Texas.
Release Date: September 16, 1965
Last Aired: April 07, 1967
January 07, 1989
October 04, 1957
May 25, 2015
August 18, 1993
October 06, 2022
November 14, 1993
April 21, 1993
September 23, 1957
Invalid Date
February 03, 1996
March 01, 1955
January 07, 2014
January 13, 2008
May 18, 1997
May 12, 1996
September 12, 1966
February 05, 1989
March 06, 1999
May 27, 2019
August 30, 2021