Kanpai Senshi After V (Cheers Warriors After V) is a parody Super Sentai, which started on Japanese TV in 2014. It follows the late night outs of the Sentai hero team Golden Warriors Treasure V, focusing on their drinking parties over their battles against evil. Their nights out consists of food and drinks at a restaurant which happens to be staffed by the villains they are fighting against, before heading to the karaoke bar.
Release Date: April 07, 2014
Last Aired: December 19, 2015
April 10, 2019
March 15, 1983
January 14, 2018
May 03, 1987
May 01, 2023
March 23, 2007
September 13, 1977
January 07, 2010
April 01, 2007
November 02, 2020
September 07, 1984
November 02, 2002
September 06, 1988
August 07, 2004
July 11, 2006
October 10, 2002
May 20, 2012
October 21, 2023
July 23, 2003
August 13, 1997