The Redd Foxx Comedy Hour was a ABC produced variety show hosted by Redd Foxx (John Elroy Sanford) following his hit sitcom Sanford and Son. It debuted on September 15, 1977 and last aired on January 26, 1978. Despite being rated by critics as entertaining and funny, the show was canceled due to low ratings at the end of it's first season.
Release Date: September 15, 1977
Last Aired: January 05, 1978
March 14, 2023
September 27, 1987
March 08, 2022
December 02, 2011
February 09, 1996
June 08, 2002
September 10, 1950
February 01, 1976
October 31, 2023
July 30, 1999
April 04, 2023
June 20, 1970
April 02, 1999
February 02, 1976
October 04, 1950
January 11, 2017
July 10, 2023
May 10, 1991
December 08, 1991
September 21, 1963