All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.
Release Date: January 08, 1978
Last Aired: November 17, 1990
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September 18, 1956
October 16, 1972
September 02, 1974
April 10, 1992
February 01, 1999
September 04, 1988
October 02, 2004
September 11, 1974
June 27, 1999
September 15, 1965
February 25, 1987
February 08, 2022
December 22, 1972
January 19, 2003
February 20, 1976
October 12, 2000
July 16, 2006
October 07, 2007
April 06, 1997
November 24, 1976