Sitting Ducks is an American children's animated television series based on the 1970s "Sitting Ducks" lithograph and the 1998 children's book of the same name, created by the poster artist Michael Bedard. Sitting Ducks first appeared in 2001 in Europe, later debuting in United States on Cartoon Network, in Australia on ABC3, in Canada on CBC Television, in the United Kingdom on BBC Two, Disney XD and in the Japanese version of Cartoon Network. The show lasted for two seasons each comprising thirteen episodes, with the last episode shown on July 5, 2003. Reruns of the show were aired on Qubo in 2007, and was later aired as part of its block Qubo Night Owl, until June 30, 2012.
Release Date: September 13, 2001
Last Aired: July 05, 2003
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September 24, 1987
September 06, 1988
November 06, 2005
February 17, 2014
June 16, 2017
January 12, 1971
August 23, 2003
September 22, 2005
June 06, 1966
September 07, 2002
October 01, 2007
February 24, 2022
October 20, 2016
November 16, 1987
June 18, 2019
April 19, 2022
August 16, 2002
October 10, 2014
April 05, 2008
May 26, 2022