Hope and Glory is a BBC television drama about a comprehensive school struggling with financial, staffing and disciplinary problems, and faced with closure. It starred Lenny Henry as maverick "Superhead" Ian George, enlisted to turn around the school's fortunes. It was created by Lucy Gannon, who had previously created Soldier Soldier, and was inspired by a real head teacher named William Atkinson.
Release Date: June 22, 1999
Last Aired: November 05, 2000
February 27, 2023
January 11, 2008
January 04, 2019
September 06, 1986
April 05, 2006
August 25, 1994
February 17, 1971
October 22, 2018
October 27, 1998
March 10, 2006
January 10, 1990
August 25, 2001
September 22, 2004
September 24, 1995
September 27, 1997
October 16, 1984
November 04, 2005
October 15, 1992
December 17, 2021
October 23, 2023