Momma's Boys is an American reality television series on the NBC network, executive produced by Ryan Seacrest and Andrew Glassman, which centers on a group of mothers who must help choose the perfect woman for their complacent sons. Ultimately, the series poses the question: "Who is really the most important woman in every man's life?" At the beginning of the series, 32 single women are contestants seeking romance with any of three single men. The men's mothers are brought in to live in a house with the female contestants while the sons are housed in a nearby condominium. Throughout the series, the female contestants participate in competitions and are selected by the men for dates, with some of the contestants being eliminated at various intervals. Each woman receives a text message of "yes" if any of the men want to keep her in contention or "no" if none of them want to keep her in contention. If the men are undecided, they send a text message for the woman to meet them at the house's swimming pool, where the men have an additional opportunity to talk to her before deciding whether she should stay or go.
Release Date: December 16, 2008
Last Aired: January 19, 2009
September 01, 2019
May 07, 2016
May 24, 2023
May 09, 2024
May 06, 2002
January 09, 2019
September 08, 2019
October 23, 2020
April 08, 2005
February 25, 2013
March 23, 2024
July 09, 2003
October 06, 2016
January 06, 2022
January 05, 2016
October 14, 2023
March 17, 2011
January 08, 2003
March 25, 2002