It's a Man's World is an American comedy-drama television series which aired on NBC from September 17, 1962, to January 28, 1963. Wes and Tom-Tom are friends going to college and with musician Vern share a houseboat. Wes also watches out for his younger brother Howie and the four of them deal with girls, jobs, and school. Occasionally the boys get serious but more often they use humor to handle situations.
Release Date: September 17, 1962
Last Aired: January 28, 1963
March 15, 2006
January 11, 1995
February 26, 1979
February 06, 1981
January 23, 2002
September 22, 2003
September 29, 1998
July 13, 2018
February 21, 2019
January 04, 2006
November 03, 1978
March 29, 2023
March 06, 1975
October 16, 2012
June 27, 2003
September 11, 1997
October 06, 1960
March 12, 2004
May 22, 1993
March 30, 1990