The Kids of Degrassi Street is a Canadian children's TV show that aired from 1979 to 1986, and is the first in the Degrassi series, about the lives of a group of children living on Degrassi Street in Toronto, Canada. It grew out of four short films: Ida Makes a Movie, Cookie Goes to the Hospital, Irene Moves In and Noel Buys a Suit, which originally aired as after-school specials on CBC Television in 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982, respectively. The show was acclaimed for its realistic depiction of every day children's lives and tribulations, and remains memorable to many Canadians because of this. Kids of Degrassi Street featured many of the same actors who would later appear on Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High, including Stacie Mistysyn, Neil Hope, Anais Granofsky, Sarah Charlesworth and others. However, their character names and families were different, so this series cannot technically be seen as an immediate precursor to the later shows.
Release Date: September 12, 1979
Last Aired: November 01, 1984
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April 05, 2009
December 04, 2013
January 07, 2019
January 12, 2004
January 10, 2001
September 10, 1988
June 24, 1981
April 06, 1980
September 13, 1999
January 18, 1987
April 26, 2005
September 04, 2006
July 09, 2005
August 14, 2000
November 15, 2020
December 01, 2013
November 01, 1993
March 08, 2016
November 23, 1984
August 30, 2001