Follows Elliot Rosewater, heir of a massive fortune controlled by the Rosewater Foundation, as he deals with the guilt surrounding his wealth. At the same time, young lawyer Norman Mushari attempts to track down the other. less wealthy branch of the Rosewater family, to convince them to sue their wealthy cousins.
Release Date: July 27, 2016
June 29, 1971
September 12, 1935
December 31, 2004
March 08, 2014
September 01, 2010
October 21, 2013
April 09, 1952
November 28, 2013
November 02, 2004
July 12, 2020
October 05, 1944
March 04, 2006
November 17, 2011
October 28, 1998
August 20, 1992
November 18, 1983
October 29, 1953
December 22, 2020
February 09, 1958
February 06, 1987