In this exciting story, Sasuke Sarutobi, known as the bravest child in the world, fulfills the will of his father, growing up strong and correct, and with great success using his ninjutsu skills becomes a servant of Yukimura Sanada.
Release Date: February 05, 1958
September 06, 2003
October 16, 1960
October 25, 1959
June 07, 1955
October 08, 1957
April 27, 1954
August 27, 1958
September 18, 1965
November 30, 1963
April 29, 2017
October 25, 2008
August 09, 1963
December 28, 1958
April 18, 1962
October 12, 1962
April 23, 2021
June 17, 1979
February 14, 1970
June 22, 1954
September 09, 2010