The story of Ryoma Sakamoto, considered to be the architect behind the downfall of the Tokugawa shogunate. He was considered an outlaw by his own clan, hunted by his government, and was despised by supporters of the Shogun as well as the Loyalists for desiring the opening of Japan to the West in order to learn its technology, in the hopes of one day defeating the West with a modern army and navy.
Release Date: February 14, 1970
December 23, 1992
February 03, 2023
June 13, 1967
April 26, 1954
November 17, 1999
October 11, 1957
October 12, 2002
June 15, 1954
June 29, 1985
November 29, 1994
October 25, 1959
June 18, 1986
January 28, 2016
October 16, 1960
June 07, 2014
May 24, 2008
February 18, 2017
August 11, 1962
April 29, 1964
September 02, 2001