During the latter stages of the Civil War, a gang of supposed Confederates, headed by Alex Morel (Lionel Atwill), raid all gold shipments destined for Washington from Oro Grande, California. Can they be brought to justice?
Release Date: July 25, 1944
January 18, 1937
February 28, 1916
October 06, 1945
March 17, 1945
June 04, 1953
September 14, 1945
November 06, 1943
October 28, 1948
June 28, 1940
October 03, 1941
April 06, 1936
March 15, 1940
January 31, 1948
January 01, 1928
April 20, 1945
April 04, 1942
January 22, 1945
July 02, 1940
April 25, 1944
September 01, 1947