This film tells the legendary tale of hero Krai Thong, who used his extreme force, strength of will and superhuman skills when entering a battle to confront the largest crocodile in the world. This fierce monster, Chalawan, has the power of turning into a human being when he enters his golden cave. Chalawan, in human guise, went into town one day and was utterly captivated by the daughter of a millionaire, Tapaokaew, and kidnapped her, returning with her to his cave. Her father, distressed by his daughter's disappearance, made an announcement that anyone strong enough to kill the legendary Chalawan would get as a prize his daughter, and a lot of money. Krai Thong knew this was a job for him.
Release Date: November 16, 2001
April 17, 2008
November 19, 2004
August 08, 2000
April 20, 2023
July 15, 1999
January 21, 2009
January 17, 2012
January 18, 2011
August 22, 1996
August 08, 2007
June 12, 2003
May 30, 2007
May 11, 2002
September 09, 2010
May 21, 1998
September 27, 2013
April 12, 2007
December 21, 1963
July 13, 2002
August 30, 2007