In this animated short, Roch Carrier recounts the most mortifying moment of his childhood. At a time when all his friends worshipped Maurice "Rocket" Richard and wore his number 9 Canadiens hockey jersey, the boy was mistakenly sent a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey from Eaton's. Unable to convince his mother to send it back, he must face his friends wearing the colours of the opposing team. This short film, based on the book The Hockey Sweater, is an NFB classic that appeals to hockey lovers of all ages.
Release Date: August 23, 1980
January 01, 1974
January 01, 1978
June 17, 2015
December 13, 2012
May 01, 2018
January 25, 2008
February 14, 2018
August 23, 1987
March 01, 1983
September 13, 2016
October 02, 1992
October 04, 1996
February 14, 2020
October 10, 1990
October 07, 2016
November 20, 2021
December 19, 1936
January 06, 2006
September 24, 2020