Follows a seasoned detective on the trail of a ruthless killer intent on slaughtering prostitutes along West Hollywood's Sunset Strip. It appears that the murderer's grisly methods are identical to that of London's infamous 19th century psychopath Jack the Ripper – a relentless serial killer who was never caught by police. To make matters worse, the detective soon notices the parallels between the crimes committed by the West Hollywood stalker and those of a serial murderer incarcerated years ago. Could the wrong man be behind bars?
Release Date: January 14, 2009
February 08, 2001
June 23, 1999
February 14, 1927
May 15, 1950
November 13, 1924
May 11, 1992
October 01, 1965
January 12, 2018
October 17, 1971
February 01, 1979
December 23, 1953
September 23, 1976
September 28, 1979
January 19, 1944
April 14, 1989
August 01, 2014
November 01, 1985
December 26, 2017
June 28, 2021
January 17, 1994