This modern adaptation takes place in the streets of Los Angeles, where a copycat killer is not only inspired by a true story but also based in part on the actual psychiatric case files of a leading Jack the Ripper suspect which were recently made public by the mental institution where he was detained for years.
Release Date: August 01, 2014
February 08, 2001
May 11, 1992
November 13, 1924
January 14, 2009
December 23, 1953
January 19, 1944
October 01, 1965
November 01, 1985
October 17, 1971
December 26, 2017
December 08, 2023
November 22, 1985
April 14, 1989
January 01, 1969
February 01, 1995
February 27, 2007
May 28, 1959
June 28, 2021
January 01, 1989
July 22, 2018