Based on a manga by Kosuke Miki and Tadashi Matsumori, this film follows the adventures of Yuki, who works in a Kyoto red-light district house of ill repute as a "tamawari," or "virgin-breaker." She's the gal who gets first dibs on the new recruits to the brothel (some willing, some not), and it's her job to break them in for future clients. The film finds Yuki involved with a group of political rebels and anarchists after the Peace Preservation Law was passed in 1925 and walks a fine line between black humor and severe cruelty.
Release Date: May 14, 1975
December 16, 2000
January 17, 2010
February 09, 1990
April 02, 1981
July 31, 1991
November 13, 2013
January 26, 1970
March 30, 2005
September 13, 1982
December 15, 2001
December 11, 2020
May 16, 1998
December 23, 1991
February 26, 2016
October 31, 1991
December 01, 1973
August 07, 2004
June 18, 1986
October 05, 1989
October 29, 2016