This comedy is set in New York and centers upon a singing Irish cop who causes quite a sensation among two producers when he sings at the annual Policeman's Ball. For a long time, they have been looking for a voice for their new cartoon feature, "Paddy the Pig," and the cop is just perfect. The policeman is tickled pink at the prospect of being a star and begins telling all his friends about his good fortune (he has no idea what they plan to do with his voice). Eventually he ends up marrying one of the producers, who still hasn't told him the truth. Suddenly the night of the big premiere finally arrives and all of the policeman's old friends and colleagues are there. As it begins, the policeman is appalled and humiliated to see that he has been mocked and has become a laughing stock. He immediately spurns his new wife and goes back to the police force. Time passes, and fortunately, the two reunite and settle their differences.
Release Date: July 11, 1939
December 29, 1913
September 06, 2014
March 05, 2004
July 22, 1993
July 14, 2017
July 12, 2013
September 08, 2005
September 05, 2003
October 01, 1994
March 05, 1993
July 01, 1997
June 06, 2014
June 27, 1986
July 18, 2000
August 24, 2016
July 29, 1994
September 06, 1996
May 26, 1977
December 19, 1999
February 07, 1990