Audrey, a determined young American woman, arrives in the Philippines with a mysterious mission, little money, and no chance of success. But when she enlists the help of two friendly locals, Hazel and Rey, and an extremely unfriendly American expatriate, Nick, suddenly the possibility of success comes into view. All they have to do is cross 300 miles of roads, jungles, and ocean, ward off the attacks of a vicious local motorcycle gang, and keep themselves from killing each other. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Release Date: August 01, 2014
November 19, 2021
August 09, 2001
November 19, 2004
January 15, 1915
November 14, 1960
September 27, 2013
July 17, 1999
August 08, 2000
September 21, 1979
October 23, 1999
April 17, 2008
April 21, 1987
September 09, 2010
July 10, 2008
May 14, 1994
October 18, 2014
December 21, 1963
April 15, 2014
November 07, 2007
September 09, 2022