Poomukhappadiyil Ninneyum Kathu movie revolves around Dr. Isaac (Mammootty) who has a jealous wife (Srividhya) who constantly suspects him of philandering. When an attractive young woman with a correspondingly jealous husband (Thilakan) moves into the neighboring house, tensions rise. The respective children of the two bickering couples (Rehman and Sisily) start a little romance of their own, which complicates matters further since one family is Hindu, the other Christian, and both sets of parents are opposed to the alliance.
Release Date: May 09, 1986
June 11, 1982
October 01, 1982
June 22, 1997
November 03, 1988
March 09, 1994
June 22, 2014
September 04, 2016
June 22, 2014
June 15, 2014
August 05, 2002
July 01, 2002
August 01, 2001
September 01, 2000
July 01, 2000
June 22, 1999
June 22, 1999
June 22, 1996
October 31, 1991
April 09, 1992
June 28, 2014