Tōjin Okichi is a 1930 film by Kenji Mizoguchi based on the novel by Gisaburo Juichiya. Only 4 minutes have survived. The fragment has been published on DVD coupled with The Downfall of Osen (1935) by Digital MEME in 2007.
Release Date: July 01, 1930
May 28, 1915
May 21, 1915
November 24, 1916
July 31, 1915
January 29, 1932
July 27, 1930
December 24, 1925
June 11, 1922
May 11, 1928
February 04, 1930
June 21, 1902
April 21, 1928
July 28, 1919
May 27, 1927
August 12, 1917
January 31, 1914
July 26, 1912
December 28, 2011
April 28, 1929
January 02, 1969