Sneha Loka is a 1999 Kannada film directed by S Mahender and produced by Jayasri Devi. The film stars Shashikumar, Anu Prabhakar, Ramesh Aravind and Vinod Raj in lead roles. Music was composed by Hamsalekha.
Release Date: July 18, 1999
July 04, 1993
July 18, 1997
October 01, 1987
March 09, 1994
June 22, 2014
June 11, 1982
October 01, 1982
June 22, 1997
November 03, 1988
June 22, 1997
June 22, 2002
October 23, 2013
September 11, 1998
May 09, 1986
October 02, 1986
August 29, 1986
January 25, 1985
June 14, 1985
February 10, 1985
February 06, 1987